GECKO new thumb piano K17SD, April Yang and xiaoxiao Song sincerely recommended!
- 分(fēn)類:新(xīn)聞中心
- 作(zuò)者:Gecko Musical
- 來(lái)源:Gecko Musical
- 發布時(shí)間(jiān):2020-05-05 17:14
- 訪問量:
GECKO new thumb piano K17SD, April Yang and xiaoxiao Song sincerely recommended!
【概要描述】GECKOnewthumbpianoK17SD,AprilYangandxiaoxiaoSongsincerely recommended!!Asaminoritymusicalinstrument,thethumbpianoispopularamongmusicloversforitstinyandcutesize.Doyouknowhowmuchenergydoatinythumbpianocontains?Howcanwechooseafavoriteandhigh-qualitythumbpianofromvariesbrands?Recently,GECKOlaunchednewthumbpianoK17SD,redsandalwoodmaterial andcarvedkeynotes,advancedtechnologyandminimalistdesignmakethegeckokalimbauniqueandwelcome. 比三呆老師示範演奏:《小酒窩》WhyGECKOK17SDsopopular? Material---RedsandalwoodAsweallknow,woodisanimportantfactorofsoundandtheappearance.Wenormallycansemahogany,bamboo,camphorwood,KOA,rosewoodmadekalimbas.GECKOK17SDisusedbytheraresolidwoodredsandalwood.Sandalwood’sstructureslightlythicktothin,texturewavyandstaggered.Thewoodhasluster,fragranceandnospecialtaste.Airdrydensityisusuallylessthan1.0g/cm.Thematerialisveryhard.Planing,turning,goodwearresistance.Veryresistanttodecayandtermites.Itismainlyapplicabletofurniture,flooring,sculpture,handicrafts,heavystructure,sportsequipment,MusicalInstruments,etc. Theredsandalwoodmade K17SD comfortabletoholdwithmicro-fragrance ,giveoutclearandwarmsoundwithwidesoundrange.02 Appearance----carvedkeynotes GECKO K17SD,isintheoriginalredsandalwoodcolourandlooksstunningatfirstsight.AdheringtothecraftsmanNatureredsandalwoodmakeGECKOK17SDcatchyoureyes afterexcellentpolishing.Thecarvedkeynotesmakeitmoreattractive.03Sound---Clearandwarm,fullandwiderangeGECKOK17SD,giveoutpureandfullsound,morenaturalresonance.Musicalloversareaddictedtoitsbright,clearandwidebalancedsoundrange.GECKOarechoosenandapprovedbyprofessionalmusiciansandmusicloversforitsqualityandexcellentafterservice. GECKOK17SDismuchmorereliabletochooseandhighlyrecommendedbythe ambassador AprilYangandXiaoxiaoSong.比三呆老師示範演奏:《千》 DonotmisstheGECKOK17SDifyouwantauniqueappearanceandsoundkalimba!!
- 分(fēn)類:新(xīn)聞中心
- 作(zuò)者:Gecko Musical
- 來(lái)源:Gecko Musical
- 發布時(shí)間(jiān):2020-05-05 17:14
- 訪問量:
GECKO new thumb piano K17SD, April Yang and xiaoxiao Song sincerely recommended!!
As a minority musical instrument ,the thumb piano is popular among music lovers for its tiny and cute size . Do you know how much energy do a tiny thumb piano contains ?
How can we choose a favorite and high-quality thumb piano from varies brands ?
Recently, GECKO launched new thumb piano K17SD, red sandalwood material and carved key notes, advanced technology and minimalist design make the gecko kalimba unique and welcome .
Why GECKO K17SD so popular ?
Material ---Red sandalwood
As we all know,wood is an important factor of sound and the appearance .We normally can se mahogany ,bamboo ,camphor wood ,KOA ,rose wood made kalimbas . GECKO K17SD is used by the rare solid wood red sandalwood . Sandalwood’s structure slightly thick to thin ,texture wavy and staggered . The wood has luster, fragrance and no special taste.Air dry density is usually less than 1.0g /cm.The material is very hard.Planing, turning, good wear resistance.Very resistant to decay and termites.It is mainly applicable to furniture, flooring, sculpture, handicrafts, heavy structure, sports equipment, Musical Instruments, etc.
The red sandalwood made K17SD comfortable to hold with micro-fragrance , give out clear and warm sound with wide sound range .
Appearance ----carved key notes
Nature red sandal wood make GECKO K17SD catch your eyes after excellent polishing .The carved key notes make it more attractive .
Sound---Clear and warm ,full and wide range
GECKO K17SD,give out pure and full sound, more natural resonance.Musical lovers are addicted to its bright ,clear and wide balanced sound range .GECKO are choosen and approved by professional musicians and music lovers for its quality and excellent after service .
GECKO K17SD is much more reliable to choose and highly recommended by the ambassador April Yang and Xiaoxiao Song .
Do not miss the GECKO K17SD if you want a unique appearance and sound kalimba !!
友情鏈接:惠州市(shì)惠陽區秋長傑高樂(yuè)器(qì)廠 深圳市(shì)傑高樂(yuè)器(qì)有限公司